My favourtie fashion moments in 'Telephone' (above)
Let me start with wow. This is possibly the most inventive and artistic music video of all time. Although the song is quite shallow the video is in-depth and has many different meanings and themes throughout.I believe its truely a work of art. I love the Tarintino/kill bill inspirerd dialogue and sets, especially the fact that they even used the 'Pussy Wagon', genius. An obviouse theme i noticted was through the blatent advertising throughout the video which i think suggest how consumerism plays a big part in todays society. I Loved the tongue-in-cheek humour about the rumours within the media about gaga's 'penis' when the prision guard says 'I told you she did'nt have a dick'. The fashion, dialogue, narrative and sets all work perfectly together to create a masterpiece and landmark in pop video history.
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